রবিবার, ৪ মে, ২০১৪

GRE Issue Analysis 2: "To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities."

Since the dawn of human civilization, people have been grouping together to live by helping each other. They have formed groups of different sizes. We can call an arbitrary part of it a society, where their history, culture, custom, values are mostly similar with some differences. The city population of that society, in contrast to their rural counterparts, live a distinguishable life in many aspects and can show a great deal about that particular society. 

The most important characteristics of a society can be though of as a set of number of aspects. Such as, academic, economical, political and cultural. We can understand a great deal about that society by studying these. 

One of the most important factors of a society's progress is education. It can be seen in today's world that the first world countries, who are called highly developed, have very high qualities universities, research institutes and a high government budget for education. These varsities and institutes are generally located at the city areas. 

Economics determines the financial condition of a society. Whether they export or import, their amount, diversity of production, both agricultural and industrial. The economic think tanks lives in cities and directs how it should be further developed or what steps must be taken. In Bangladesh, the export processing zones, numerous garments, food processing industries are located either inside Dhaka, or in it's suburbs. 

If we look at Paris, how much effect a city has on it's culture would be clear. The overall view of France as other nations envisage, is what Paris is. It's high literature, festivals marks as that of the whole France. Just as Rio De Jeniro of Brazil does. 
The overall governance of a society is done from a city. When we look at the capitals of any country, it is observable that, the capital is actually a city. Not a village. Like Washington D.C., London, Paris, Rome and actually all others.

Though arguments do exist opposing this city-centric view. When a society is  mostly agrarian, villages might show some aspects of their social life. But studying only that village would not give a comprehensive view of the major characteristics of that society.

The formation of cities was by the trend of time. After fulfilling the basic needs, people advanced. In many was including the ones described above. Their effort, success, failure all could be found in cities. So its not a overstretch that major cities must be studied to understand a society, rather a rational and tenable one.

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