সোমবার, ৫ মে, ২০১৪

GRE Issue Analysis 4: "Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

Scandals are incidents which abruptly draws public attention over some surreptitious activities. Many such activities, while deserving attention and reform go unnoticed unless someone or somehow exposes them. While the world is craving for transparency and accountability, these activities should not go overlooked. Scandals do this in a very useful way, where general population are forced to stare and do something that is necessary to stop those activities.

Among many forms of clandestine activities, political ones are particularly harmful for general population. A democratic government by all means should be fair, honest and accountable. It should maintain a friendly environment for the opposing opinions. If it spies on the opposing party, it hampers the true nature of a democratic government. As Watergate Scandal of Nixon administration shows, those subversive activities had to come to public attention. Which lead to major public awareness on government transparency.

When the government itself spies on people, it's both absolutely necessary and very hard to detect. Edward Snowden did what any person with a least touch of conscience should have done. He exposed the massive data collection program on US citizens which fomented events of paramount importance. People there are much more aware about their freedom and right of privacy.

Though these scandals were by all means beneficial for people, a reformer or speaker should never intrude in anyone's personal life. Like Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky affair, it was absolutely their personal matter. Their extra-marital affair should not be thought of as sort of scandal people should go out and look for.

With that limitation of not intruding in personal affair which doesn't affect the society or a group of people, scandals does have a stunning effect on public conscience. Speaker and reformers can, with great effort labor turns or directs public attention or awareness towards the issues deserves attention, scandal does the same with little effort, proving its usefulness.  

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